Meet the team
Drupal Europe will happen because this extraordinary team of volunteers puts a lot of effort in it. These people are awesome!

With print design, journalism, linguistics, event management and marketing in her CV, Meike is today focused on requirements engineering, concept, and workflows for web-based applications. She is the owner of hexabinær Kommunikation with 15 years experience in collaboration in distributed teams. Drupal is her favorite tool since 2008 "because of its prototyping suitability and ist WCAG conformity".
Meike is a very active member of Drupal e. V.—The German Drupal Association (advisory board member for Marketing + Trademark Policy) and co-founder of CMS Garden, a non-profit initiative for promoting open source CMS. As a Drupal Europe organizer, Meike is responsible for strategy and overall coordination.

I started working with Drupal four years ago in a support role to the University of Edinburgh Drupal 7 CMS. More recently I've started getting involved in site building, coding and contributing to modules. I have attended 3 DrupalCons and love the community spirit. Volunteering for Drupal Europe is my biggest contribution to date and has opened my eyes to how great this community is.

Baddý Sonja Breidert (baddysonja) is the CEO and Co-Founder of 1xINTERNET, one of the largest Drupal web agencies in Germany.
Baddý graduated with B.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Reykjavik in 2003 and after that completed her M.Sc. in Engineering Management from the Technical University in Vienna, where she today teaches Agile Project management and IT. She is also an European champion in Robotic Soccer - where she competed with her University in 2008.
Baddý is very active in the Drupal community and is one of the organisers of Drupal Europe. Since January 2018, Baddy is a board member of the Drupal Association.

I am glad to be part of the DrupalEurope team, helping to organize the publishing / media vertical. This is in exiting times, times of crisis and promises at the same time. A chance that publishers start to think about cooperation, when it comes to technology, instead of watching the big players Google, Facebook, Twitter, ebay, etc. shaping the landscape for publishing and advertising. This is right where I want to be :)

- Drupal Europe Organizer
- Chair of Drupal e.V. - German Drupal Association
- CTO and Founder of erdfisch – Die Drupalschaft
- Lecturer for Web-Development Workflow with Drupal at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg

Local community activity:
- Kyiv Drupal Global Training Day organizer
- CodeSprint organizer
- DrupalCamp, DrupalCafe speaker
- DrupalCamp, DrupalCafe help team

Moved to Darmstadt many years ago. Very proud that in 2018 the two major events in Drupal are happening in my cities.
Track chairs

Radost Dacheva
Key Partnerships Manager

Track chair of the Infrastructure + Devops track. Helping where I can!

I love what Drupal can do for VDAB - a public employment service, investing in narrowing knowledge gaps.
I'm not a dev, I'm just a team lead / proxy / scrum master / tester ;-)
I love the Drupal community, and after a little bit of volunteering during former Drupalcons I want to really join the club now.

Co-founder of Drupal development company AGILEDROP, Drupal developers. Used to be a full-stack developer, nowadays in charge of marketing and sales in at AGILEDROP, Drupal development.


After being Lead of the Dutch Drupal Jam for the last 2 years I am looking forward to help organizing an international Drupal event.
I am a project manager and coordinate the development of great Drupal sites for the last 10 years, starting out with a nice D5 site in 2008:-) The last years my role changed into Scrum master or Product owner, depending on my assignment as a freelance project manager.
But most of all, I love to work on Drupal projects with my Drupal colleagues.

Stephan is an open source evangelist. His technology company is currently orchestrating various open source software as GDPR-compliant SaaS. Stephan has been a long-term board member of Drupal e. V. and is currently chairman of CMS Garden e. V. Untiringly promoting open source to federal authorities, he has also been one of the initiators of deGov Drupal distribution.

Drupal enthusiast, developer, contributor & co-organizer DrupalCamp Transylvania

As Europeans are among the most active members in the Drupal community I look forward to a strong conference tailored to the interests of Europeans such as industry verticals and country specific case-studies.

Drupal core maintainer for the Out of the Box Initiative.

I am glad to be part of the DrupalEurope team, helping to organize the publishing / media vertical. This is in exiting times, times of crisis and promises at the same time. A chance that publishers start to think about cooperation, when it comes to technology, instead of watching the big players Google, Facebook, Twitter, ebay, etc. shaping the landscape for publishing and advertising. This is right where I want to be :)

I started working with Drupal four years ago in a support role to the University of Edinburgh Drupal 7 CMS. More recently I've started getting involved in site building, coding and contributing to modules. I have attended 3 DrupalCons and love the community spirit. Volunteering for Drupal Europe is my biggest contribution to date and has opened my eyes to how great this community is.

Contribution mentors

- I organised DrupalCamp Antwerp (Belgium) 2017
- I was a participant of the initiative that started Drupal Europe
- I volunteered at DrupalCon Vienna 2017
- I was a mentor at DrupalCon Vienna 2017
- I volunteered at DrupalCon Baltimore 2017
- I was a mentor at DrupalCon Baltimore 2017
- I volunteered at DrupalCamp Ghent (Belgium) 2016
- I volunteered at DrupalCon Dublin 2016
- I was a mentor at DrupalCon Dublin 2016
I am a GIT Administrator and a Webmaster on
I volunteer as a Sprint Mentor on the Code Sprints day.


Moved to Darmstadt many years ago. Very proud that in 2018 the two major events in Drupal are happening in my cities.

I am an active Drupal contributor. I contribute to Drupal core, submit and review patches.

I like to help people grow professionally. As Drupal developer, trainer and coach I help as mentor during the mentored sprint on Friday.

I did volunteer at DrupalCon San Francisco 2010.

This is Davinder from Sapient Razorfish India, I would like to volunteer for DrupalEurope this time, Having experience in Volunteering in DrupalCons ( drupalcon Asia) and many drupalcamps.
Apart from this I was a grant and scholarship candidate for Drupalcon Asia too. Having more than 60 patches in Drupal core, which also added value to my candidature.
I help in following volunteer tasks:
1. Mentoring code Sprints.
2. Mentoring Drupal in a Day trainings.
3. Delivering talks in Camps.
4. Volunteer at helpdesk.
5. Volunteering as Room Monitor.

A member of the Drupal community since mid 2007 after being encouraged to share module code, he has continued to learn and share ideas. This includes an early interest in the menu routing and search systems, and lately more passionate about PostgreSQL, figuring out Typed Data, and volunteering as a mentor. He lives in Columbus, Ohio, United States, and actively participates in both the local PHP and JavaScript community, regional Drupal events, enjoys a growing collection of board games, and surprisingly finds himself more of a front end developer and devops recently.

I've been involved in the Drupal Community with the core mentoring group since 2013, and have rededicated myself to Drupal in the last year. Looking forward to working with the mentoring team again in Darmstadt to bring new contributors on board!

- Drupal Europe Organizer
- Chair of Drupal e.V. - German Drupal Association
- CTO and Founder of erdfisch – Die Drupalschaft
- Lecturer for Web-Development Workflow with Drupal at Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg
Suzanne is a Drupal trainer and runs Evolving Web, a Drupal shop in Montreal. She's passionate about teaching Drupal and making it accessible to everyone.

I started working with Drupal four years ago in a support role to the University of Edinburgh Drupal 7 CMS. More recently I've started getting involved in site building, coding and contributing to modules. I have attended 3 DrupalCons and love the community spirit. Volunteering for Drupal Europe is my biggest contribution to date and has opened my eyes to how great this community is.
Even more volunteers ...

I would love to help with sightseeing at the weekend before and after the event :)

I work with the operation and maintenance of two company sites in Drupal. I'm neither a technician nor a developer, but a superuser. I help colleagues with Drupal challenges from small to big. I also work as a translator between the business and the IT department when developing new solutions. I speak reasonable English, but not so good technical English.

I'm co-founder @ Open Social and GoalGorilla. Love data-driven marketing. Interested in UX, blockchain, online strategies. In charge of marketing for the Open Social Drupal 8 distribution. Strongly believe that open software makes the world a better place *and* is a viable business model.
Enjoy diving, traveling the world (for Drupal events) and good food with friends.

Trying to get this Drupal Camping going!

An avid open-source advocate with active engagement in community work, a family man, history buff and semi-active sportsman.

I would like to be a full time volunteer and arrive early to the event.

I want to help to promote Drupal as a brand in Germany.

I will record the sessions in the room "spectrum A" and partially stream them.
In addition, I try to use the available resources to record as many sessions as possible.


I'm very excited to be part of this event.

Excited times ahead!

I truly came for the software and stayed for the community.

Drupal Europe is going to be a very special experience because it's a fresh start. We have such deep knowledge in the Drupal community from years of experience in a wide variety of contexts, and all of that is really coming together here. There will always be room for improvements and iterations and it's so important to check in to determine what's really working, what's not, and dedicate the time and energy to making changes. I'm looking forward to seeing how Drupal Europe comes together and then to think about the *next one!

Very heartful thanks to all organisers for this event.

There is always a warm welcome to every single attendee, that makes me feel very comfortable!

PUBLIQ is a working blockchain distributed independent media ecosystem where content developers, publishers & advertisers join to create, govern, manage and own media, building and enjoying instant merit based distribution of wealth.


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Výhodou pôžičky online je, že aj odosielanie finančných prostriedkov je rýchlejšie. Po spracovaní vašej online žiadosti už nič nechýba k tomu, aby vám boli peniaze odoslané na bankový účet, ktorý si zvolíte. Pôžička online sa schvaľuje takmer okamžite a po väčšine prípadov je pripísaná klientovi ešte v deň podania jeho žiadosti alebo hneď v nasledujúci deň. Bez pôžičiek online sa už dnes zaobíde len máloktorý finančný portál a Ammado tomu nie je výnimkou. Náš systém je v neustálom stave online .
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