Design Thinking: a method to chase structural success in an era where healthcare (and other domains) have to deliver an excellent online experience to their customers.
So cool! We can make everything! So why search for problems? Because you want to be sure you are doing the right things for the right people. Just knowing what you are going to make and how you are going to make it, is not enough to be successful structurally. The key question here is not whether we can do it, but why that one solution is the ultimate solution. Specifically focused at manufacturability, added value and desirability.
The challenge is making the right things. That we make solutions with which we can really create added value for a specific target group. And when we put on UX glasses, we encounter enough problems to solve before we can start developing.
So, go in depth and embrace the problem. And you know that the basis of your solutions fill the needs of your target audience. Show guts and test your findings constantly. So you can aim for doing the right things and be a learning team. The ultimate goal: structural success by catering to everybody’s needs. Especially the needs of people relying on healthcare.
Why this is session?
By ignoring the real problem you can't develop a real solution. It will just be a short term solution. And above all, it will cost the same amount of effort, time and money to create something that lasts longer and fills in the real needs of all stakeholders.
What should you expect?
This talk will bring design thinking as a method for succes in software developing. I will acquaint the audience to the method and give them hands-on tips and tricks to immediately bring it into practice.