Together with partners we created the first German distribution for government websites called deGov. In 2017 and 2018 we have developed two large german government projects with deGov. The new website of the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany went live in May 2017. The other website is a large portal and will go live later in 2018.
In this session we will explore how the feature-set that was originally developed for the Ministry of the Interior was re-used in the other portal website. The portal has a totally different audience, and a much larger number of editors, which led to different requirements in the project.
The main aspects explored in this session are the division of functionality into different sourcecode repositories to allow for fine-grained re-use of features. Key functionality used in both websites will be discussed, but also difficulties in changing and extending existing funnctionality will be highlighted.
Takeaways of this session will be pros and cons of using a distribution like deGov and how to plan large applications with re-usability in mind.