Way too many times Drupal specialists compete with other CMS systems about the features and functions of their solution, forgetting about what really matters for the clients: reducing risk and cost while increasing growth! But how does Drupal fit into this calculation? Let's have a look at technical and business reasons, why large organizations rely on Drupal to achieve their goals!
Celebrating my tenth year of Drupal anniversaries this year, I'm looking forward to sharing some of the most exciting Drupal specific aha-moments in my career. Spending a lot of time on large Drupal projects and hands-on experiences as former Senior Developer, I decided 4 years ago to switch gears and join Acquia as a Solutions Architect for Central Europe. As a digital strategist and visionary, I started helping companies reinventing themselves in the digital age. Consulting organizations across industries on a global scale and addressing their most critical business issues.
Taking those experiences in mind I discovered multiple patterns which turned out to be very compelling USPs (unique selling proposition) to position Drupal against the competitors, which of course I like to share in this talk.