This panel will focus on interlinking data, dynamic data flows, and the newest web technology to bring value to the enterprise. Drupal can play an integral part of this, being a robust content model with adequate access and revisions. Rocket.Chat adds a proven collaboration platform facilitating decentralized exchange of information, with optional federation across internal and external partners. The experts panel will explore how this open source “triple play” can work together today and evolve into the full fledged enterprise systems of the future.
The implementation and interoperation of real-time API’s across multiple open source products allow for instant communication of linked data throughout the entire enterprise in a seamless way to allow advanced visibility and access to their customers. This interoperability between products means the Drupal digital experience flows from marketing to website to collaboration platform and back. Information is available when and where it is needed instantly, without delays, without duplication, and with no compromise on privacy or security.
This panel will focus on interlinking data and the newest web technology to bring value for all.