After 1 year and almost 2k person days of work on a commerce 2.x project to book parking places, site is up and we'll see how Commerce 2.x is made for business-specific e-commerce.
Many e-commerce solutions exist, we already worked with Drupal Commerce 1.x, Prestashop, Magento, Sylius. All of them can deal with traditional e-commerce. For business-specific e-commerce with content management none are better than Commerce 2.x.
Business-specific e-commerce can be hard to translate to e-commerce. After many years working with Commerce 1.x, building such a site with complex problematics has never been so easy.
Under the hood:
- Custom price calculations
- Customize almost each part of commerce entities and plugins (order, product, promotion, adjustment)
- Multilingual
- 2 checkouts
- 2 new payments gateways
- Solr search
- Coupled to CRM, ERP, external mailer, external sms provider
- Migrations
- CSV export
- REST webservices
- Subscriptions
- Tests
- and many others.
In this session we will expose the challenges we faced, both functional and specific to commerce/drupal and how we successfully dealed with them. We will talk about tools and processes we used to...
Finally, we will discuss about improvements.