All talks, panels and workshops
24Kitchen, the no. 1 platform for food lovers

With FOX News Network and The Persgroep Netherlands backing this european TV format, working on 24Kitchen was a feast. As one of the most popular platforms on food, cooking and lifestyle, an entirely new online experience allows for quick access to thousands of healthy recipes, cooking inspiration and cross media selling.
A Drupalers Guide to Marketing

Marketers are an important audience for Drupal professionals. Learn why marketers matter, what motivates our marketing colleagues, what they care about and how to make your work more relevant and valuable to them.
A healthy approach to risk and governance

Public sector projects require an interface between the lean & agile team and the risk-averse organisation. In this talk I'll set out how to put in place lightweight tools and practices to give stakeholders confidence and better manage risks and problems on a project.
A present for lazy developer: automating code quality control

A session is focusing on code quality control and goes from simple to more complicated:
1. Defining the types of problems of the code
2. Evaluating its risks: psychological, reputational, time-related
3. Looking at the tools available to evaluate the code against the problems defined: PHP Lint, PHP Code Sniffer, PHP Mess Detector
4. Covering Drupal specifics of the task
Add open source to your DNA – how Burda built the Drupal 8 distribution for professional publishing

Contributing to open source technology is no stranger to members of the Drupal community. But for a traditional company, the concept is quite unusual. That's why it was quite a bang when Hubert Burda Media decided to take this path with its Drupal 8 distribution Thunder.
Advanced Solr - Build Data Driven Features

Buzzword Bingo: Did you know that Solr provides artificial intelligence?
Really? Yes, Solr is more than a fulltext search server and I'll introduce some of its advanced features to you. And I'll share some ideas with you about how you can use them in Drupal to build some cool stuff.
Africa: The next 1.2 Billion

A session to highlight the African Drupal Community, showing who they are, what the country-based communities focus on, their success stories and what challenges they face and what can be done about it.
After The Goldrush

The European Drupal business community has emerged from the boom years ill-equipped for a more competitive environment. Clients report low satisfaction, staff are frustrated or burning out, and Drupal is losing ground. What can we do to fix these problems, in line with the values of the Drupal community, to have a bright future for Drupal businesses that we can be proud of?
Agile business analysis for Drupal agencies

The Business ecosystem around Drupal is changing. Best practice is emerging. Being a leader in the technology itself is no longer enough to differentiate your business from all the other digital agencies competing for a slice of the pie. We need to master the art and science of Business analysis to ensure we're delivering the best value for our clients.
An introduction to Islandora CLAW, and how it could help your university

Islandora CLAW [] is a Collection Management System that uses Drupal 8, and Fedora Commons 4 [], along with other microservices such as SOLR to assist in managing your application through Drupal's Taxonomies.
Analyzing the Drupal Community: a Data-driven Approach

Drupal 8 is bigger and better than any earlier release. But does the same hold for the community behind it? It's time to let numbers speak. By applying data mining techniques to and code repositories we can now measure the impact Drupal 8 had on the Drupal community, gather insights on the new generation of Drupalers and make recommendations for improvement.
Autopsy of Vulnerabilities

Periodically, security releases are published to patch vulnerabilities and make our websites secure again, but do we know exactly how these vulnerabilities (and their exploits) work behind the scenes? How does the patch change our code, so the vulnerabilities are fixed and the risk mitigated?
Autosave and concurrent editing in Drupal 8

Autosave ensures that content changes will not be lost if a sudden power outage or network disruption occurs. The concurrent editing feature provided by the conflict module allows for the simultaneous editing of the same content by multiple users by performing automatic merges whenever possible.
Avoiding the "best practices" trap: thanks for the theory, but let's solve the problems I actually have first.

The goal of this session is to illustrate how to take a more scientific approach to identifying inefficiencies and impediments faced by development teams, and how to measure the outcome of process changes, to insure that the practices you adopt will actually be best practices for your organization, regardless of size.
Befriending Goliath: how to manage large projects from a small agency perspective

As a small Drupal agency with big aspirations you have to decide what kind of projects you want set your focus on:
- If you choose small scale projects, you need to have strong sales process to sell a lot of those.
- If you choose to pursue large scale projects and clients, you need to take risks that sometimes jeopardize your team.
Being more human, taking Open Source, Agile and Cloud beyond tech!

As a community we constantly talk of giveback, at Cons we even have a track called 'being human'...but do we empathise enough with our fellow human beings? are we engaged enough beyond our bubble?
Better Console Applications

Console applications - whether part of a larger (Symfony-)application or standalone-tool - usually are the bash-script of PHP developers. Thereby one often leaves the path of clean code and hacks a very pragmatic solution. Despite the fact that a lot of these fast solutions remain in project and need to be maintained for longer.
Blockchain Distributed Media - A Future for good publishing

PUBLIQ Foundation is a non-profit, distributed media platform, that offers a new publishing and rewards model. The wealth generated is transparent and fully redistributed to the participants depending of their reputation and/or involvements.
Blockchain Panel for the Open Free Web

As an Open Source community, we have a Blockchain panel for the Open Free Web.
Blockchain technology is predicted to change the web as we know it. Our panelists are working on our future, applying blockchain technology within the realm of an open web by building fair publishing environments and enhancing open source communities.
Breaking the double digit, no wait, double digit millions, barrier for products.

In this session we present how we created the biggest Drupal Commerce 2 site in the world, in record time. How does Commerce 2 enable us to develop advanced features faster, and what were our biggest challenges scaling an online store to tens of millions of products?
Bringing the Search API to Drupal Core

Bringing the Search API module to drupal core, is it a good idea or not? Help us decide what we should do.
Browser Testing with Nightwatch.js
It's been around 8 years since Behat made its entrance in the PHP world. Looking back, it's fair to say it meant a revolution thanks to which many development teams started to incorporate browser testing into their projects. However, Gherkin syntax, while very useful in some scenarios, it's not always the most friendly or desirable when writing browser tests. Enter Nightwatch.js...
Build Decoupled Applications with Gatsby & Drupal

This presentation looks at how you can build a web application that sources content from Drupal, renders ultra-fast static pages with Gatsby, then combines that with traditional React for optionally adding user authentication and personalization.
Building a citizen portal for 100+ services using a microservices architecture

The city of Reykjavik is facing the challenge of integrating a heterogeneous landscape of systems into a coherent city website based on design thinking and best practice UX.. This landscape contains simple services like applying for a dog permission or allowance to make changes to your house. But also complex services like admissions of children to school, or applying for an social apartment need to be integrated.
Building a Social Impact Platform with Drupal Distributions: from migrant to government projects

Social Impact is and must be the main goal and measure of any social intervention initiative. Yet, often tech tools take over the priority of projects and teams who end up focusing on features and services, sidelining engagement, empowerment, achievement and impact. Users are not stakeholders.
Building high-performance Thunder sites

The goal of our latest Thunder-based publishing project was to launch high performant, successful sites with decent test coverage. In this session we'll discuss the initial architecturial considerations (decoupling?) and share the experiences gained while working on the project.
Building large scale government websites with the Drupal distribution deGov

Together with partners we created the first German distribution for government websites called deGov. In 2017 and 2018 we have developed two large german government projects with deGov. The new website of the Ministry of the Interior of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany went live in May 2017. The other website is a large portal and will go live later in 2018.
Building Local Communities - foster Drupal adoption

Strategies to Building Local Communities, this has been a sought out topic in the Governance Committee over the last 6 months. The workshop is to bring interested participants from across the globe to share their ideas and views on the same.
The Workshop will validate the Why? and crowd source the Hows?
Case Study: How we built a protected community for people with MS

We built a Drupal 7 platform with the goal to connect people with Multiple Sclerosis in a protected environment. By doing so, we tried to combine two contradictory topics: Privacy & data protection as well as networking.
Challenges in a digital world

In a world where digital advertising surpassed traditional advertising in 2016, brands still need to adapt to this new reality. Digital Transformation is a must for (almost) all companies to survive, however still many of them are struggling to find their digital way forward. While working in the digital space for over 12 years, I have seen many changes in the industry, and helped many clients improve their digital presence.
CMI 2.0 updates and the best of config management today

Configuration Management Initiative 2.0 roadmap and updates with practical examples of how to solve (some of) these challenges with contrib today.
Code with style! Prettier + ESLint

Prettier is a great ally for the developer. It makes your code formatting uniform and consistent.
While ESlint detects and enforces certain rules, educating the developer about what's wrong with their code, Prettier takes a different approach, by parsing all your code and formatting it with its own opinionated style, so you don't need to worry about it anymore.
Come play with us! Empathy Building via Serious Play

We've created a cooperative, empathy-building board game, that draws on ideas from Serious Play and cross-cultural movements like DevOps. Come play Rhino Rescue with us!
Coming soon, Drupal 8 and a half!

Remember when Drupal 8 was brand new and full of new features?
Are you still excited about Drupal 8? Drupal 8 has added many great features since 8.0.0 and many more features are coming soon(ish). If you haven't started with Drupal 8 or haven't kept up with new features that are being develped for Drupal core, this session is for you.
Commerce 2.x for the business-specific - Feedback on a 2k person days project

After 1 year and almost 2k person days of work on a commerce 2.x project to book parking places, site is up and we'll see how Commerce 2.x is made for business-specific e-commerce.
Community events in WordPress is an open source project created and maintained by a community of users. Its mission is to democratise publishing through open source software.
WordPress is a global and inclusive project made up of hundreds of thousands of people that meet online, through Slack, and team blogs.
Companion Guide to Drupal: Enhance Your Learning

There are a lot of Drupal resources out there, but it is often somehow difficult for newcomers to get started. At Coding Girls, we have often seen this beginner’s struggle, so we have come up with the idea of building a companion guide that can help everybody find their way through the Drupal realm.
Compelling USPs for Drupal in large organisations

Way too many times Drupal specialists compete with other CMS systems about the features and functions of their solution, forgetting about what really matters for the clients: reducing risk and cost while increasing growth! But how does Drupal fit into this calculation? Let's have a look at technical and business reasons, why large organizations rely on Drupal to achieve their goals!
Component-based Theming with Pattern Lab and Twig

This workshop will demonstrate the value of integrating Pattern Lab into a Drupal theme, and will give practical experience configuring Pattern Lab into your theme architecture, building components in Pattern Lab, mapping Drupal templates to our Pattern Lab templates, and mapping Pattern Lab patterns to Drupal layouts, field groups, or views.
Connecting media solutions beyond Drupal

We want to look at existing third party solutions and how you can benefit from their seamless integration into Drupal media.
An overview of Digital Asset Management systems, embedding, Content Delivery Networks and external storage.
Content management in AI-driven world

Is it possible to find navigation elements that result in the best visitor experience? The answer is likely yes, and this question can be reformulated as one of the classic machine learning tasks.
Let's talk what are other classic machine learning tasks, and if and how they can be applied to content management
Content Syndication, Staging and Synchronization in Drupal

From universities with a large number of sites to enterprise content providers that are used to professional publishing workflows similar to AEM or Sitecore, content publishing in Drupal becomes increasingly important with the expanding possibilities of content creation itself.
Contentpool - Centrally editing distributed content!

Today, a typical organization and publishing houses runs dozen of websites. Besides the desire of quickly spinning up and launching new sites, the need of re-using content quickly comes up. This is where our contentpool Drupal distribution comes in!
Conversational Commerce: Integrating Bots with Drupal Commerce

Companies have successfully started using chatbots to connect with consumers to meet basic request and chat-based interfaces will probably replace apps as the primary way people use the internet.
Create a chatbot on Drupal Data

Why would you want a chatbot, why wouldn't you? How does that even work? Male, Female? How to add in your api? How to organise all that architecturally?
Find some of your answers here.
This talk is for you if you don't know how to start developing a chatbot. Both from a development or a management point of view.
Not much Drupal, Very much chatbot. Most examples from dialogflow, few from watson.
Creating an enterprise level editorial experience for Drupal 8 using React

With the powerful web APIs it has become relatively easy to create decoupled applications with Drupal 8 as a backend. A number of lighthouse applications have been created and powerful demo systems and starterkits such as 'Reservoir' und 'Contenta' have emerged.
Usually decoupled applications are used to display content, but editing of content still takes place in the backend.
Data visualisation

A strong content model enables to present the data not just as a website. Beside serving your content onto different devises you can also present the data in a different way. One more and more important one is data visualisation you'll learn about
Dealing with IRQ conflicts in 2018

In this talk, you'll learn the approaches our tiny web operations team takes to manage "unplanned work" such as system outages and tech support without losing steam with our projects.
Decentralized Drupal: The decoupled Drupal endgame

As Drupal advances assuredly toward an API-first future with each passing day, it's high time we consider and critique the possibilities that lie before our community. How does Drupal's mission evolve? How will future users interact with Drupal?
Decentralized Dynamic Federation of Rocket.Chat Servers

Creating a collaboration and communication platform to service millions of global users conventionally requires the design and resources of a centralized and proprietary nature, managed by a single entity. Users either have to pay or trade privacy and security for the convenience and ubiquity of access. With recent theft and massive lost of user data across well known social networks and other massive centralized public facing platforms, th
Decoupled Drupal and a Global Learning Platform

Danielle Arnon, Executive Director & Strategic Business Partner at Estee Lauder Companies and Srijan will share the decoupled, progressive, responsive & native interfaces of Learning Experience platform. We will also talk about a modular roadmap where we are integrating concepts like AI-based micro-learning, Chatbots, AR/VR, Live Stream and Machine Learning Chatbots.
Decoupled Drupal: Implications, risks and changes from a business perspective

Decoupled Drupal is clearly here to stay, so what does this mean from a business point of view? As we consider all the implications of this change -- a new programming language, new licences, and the technical considerations of how we visualize and build websites -- it’s important to identify how and when adaptations need to be made to our businesses to support all these changes.
Decoupling Drupal with GraphQL & Twig

If we want decoupled Drupal, we need to decouple Drupal first. Reap the benefits of a cleanly separated workflow without worrying about the risks.
Developing for privacy and data protection

Open source projects can have a positive impact on privacy across the web. First, though, we need to understand our very different cultural and legal approaches to privacy, and define what privacy actually means.
DevOps 101: building blameless, systematic, intentional culture at your organization

It doesn't matter how smart your strategy or technology might be if you're not leading people that trust each other and collaborate. In this talk, I'll give examples of how to address some of the blockers and opportunities on the path to building an intentional culture at your company.
Digital Transformation in the Financial Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

What challenges do banks and financial institutions and enterprises face in the era of digital transformation and which opportunities does Drupal offer? In this session, we will set our focus on digital transformation in the financial industry.
Docker 101 for Drupal Developers

Although this session is based at newer users, I aim to go over the basics of Docker and would relish some mentors to assist users. We will aim to make it as practical and hands-on as possible. So, come along, learn how to get started with Drupal on Docker and how it can be used for managing better software.
Down the rabbit hole: containerizing your Drupal site on Kubernetes and deploying it the blue/green way

This session is about containerizing your Drupal site in Kubernetes (on Google Cloud) and deploying it with Jenkins and pipeline scripts.
We'll be using a method called "blue/green" deployments to dramatically minimize the downtime of your site and provide redundancy features / having some extra safety nets in case something goes wrong.
Dries Q&A

Based on earlier event attendee feedback, the Dries Q&A, traditionally done as part of the “Driesnote” was far too short and not enough questions could be asked. This is especially true with Drupal Europe's shorter session formats.
The Dries Q&A being in its own session time will allow time for more questions and for them to be more in-depth. Dries will also have more time to explain his answers!

During his keynote, dubbed the 'Driesnote', Belgium-born Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert shares the state of Drupal with the community as well as where we are headed.
Drupal & Elm

Elm is a language that compiles to JS, and has no run time exceptions. It's like Vue, React or Angular2, only completely different.
Drupal 8, Services and Decoupling Patterns

Drupal 8 is taking momentum as strong tool for Web Editors, Developers and Architects providing Good support for Web Services, Security to implement different Integration Channel like Voice First, Web VR, Augmented Reality, IoT etc. Drupal 8 able to achieve it with solid foundation of REST in Core and supported community modules.
Drupal and the Ethereum Blockchain

Drupal Ethereum is a module that integrates Drupal with the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum can help Drupal applications leverage blockchain ledgers, digital signatures, payments, tokens, and a future internet of value and trust.
Drupal as an interface to a world of commerce

Micro services are the new cool, but administration interfaces are either decoupled, connected using an SSO, or that monolith in the stack added on top.
In this talk we will focus on how Drupal 8 is not just a CMS, but a construction kit to build powerfull interfaces for a bunch of decoupled micro-services.
Drupal distributions panel

We will learn about the different use cases of distributions, ranging from quick start tools and starting points for developers and site builders up to full-featured distributions.
Drupal Diversity & Inclusion: Building a Stronger Community

We can make the Drupal project better and stronger by making the Drupal community a place where a wider range of people can participate and contribute their knowledge and skills. This talk will cover the importance of diversity in building a stronger community, where we've come from, where we're going, and how you can get involved.
Drupal Europe - what's next?

It is not even over yet and are we talking about what's next? Of course.
Drupal GDPR Module - Exploration of a suite of Drupal specific GDPR tools to help achieve compatibility.

A live demo of the GDPR module and how it can be used by site builders, developers and Data Protection Officers to achieve GDPR compatibility. We will be focusing on the GDPR consent tools and the GDPR field settings that enable a site owner to easily response to subject access requests and requests for erasure.
Drupal in multichannel publishing environments

DC is vendor and developer of DAM systems mainly for the classic publishing industry. We like to introduce how Drupal and Thunder are integrated as part of a multichannel publishing strategy at these customers.
Drupal in the cloud - Serverless and more

Serverless computing allows you to build and run applications without provisioning, scale or manage any servers. The main benefits are: no server management, flexible scaling, automated high availability, flexible payment model/pay as you go.
Drupal PKM: A personal knowledge management Drupal distro

This session aims to showcase and discuss about Drupal PKM, a personal knowledge management Drupal distribution, its development phase, the features included in the tool and future plans of it.
Materials Update

The panel provides an update on the last six months of work by the Drupal Association engineering team to improve the tools and processes that support the Drupal project.
Dynamic Virtual Reality apps with decoupled Drupal

VR is much more than gamers tech. It has reached the mass market as well as industry and business. Sophisticated VR-applications for commerce, marketing, design, research and many other fields need strong content management systems. We see the beginning of something big and it‘s time getting your hands on now.
Elasticsearch powering Drupal – beyond search

Experience how to leverage Elasticsearch for making Drupal sites and application more powerful than ever, and how to easily start to integrate it as development team.
Enrich your Paragraphs workflow with features you didn’t know about

Paragraphs module is one of the most used Drupal 8 contrib modules when it comes to content creation. The module offers many powerful, but not well known features that can significantly boost content creation experience.
In this presentation I am going to answer some of the most frequently asked How-To questions when working with Paragraphs
Entity access for lists: A crucially missing piece of the puzzle

With Drupal 8, we received more powerful control over who can do what to a specific entity. The only downside is that this whole system does not apply at all to entity lists. The only exception being nodes (content), which still use the rather complex yet limited grants system. It's time we fix that and come up with a solution that works for all entities, all operations and still has decent performance.
Essential Drupal marketing at the regional level

The Dutch Drupal Association connects Dutch Drupal professionals, agencies, users and (potential) businesses. We do this by organising events DrupalJam (450 people), SplashAwards (initiated in 2014) and Drupal Training Day (200+ students, now Drupal in a Day). Mainly run by a team of volunteers, organizing these (successful) takes up the bigger part of our (free) time.
European Splash Awards

Drupal Europe's first session day starts with an awards ceremony! Pick up your badge early and come to enjoy the European Splash Awards.
Winners from local competitions can compete in this international contest. During the Splash Awards the best Drupal projects of the year are awarded.
Fields, Bricks, Paragraphs, etc... What's the next? Media Driven Content Architecture.

We are looking for the best way to organize our content on a Drupal site. Now we commonly set Paragraph field instead native body field to get featured landing pages. Paragraphs have extremely flexible interface, and powerful customization abilities, but they aren't reusable.
Finding Drupal Talent - A Recruiter's Dilemma Panel


This panel discussion will assemble various Agency experts from the Drupal community to talk and exchange about how to find Drupal talent.
Form steps - Complex Forms, simple UI : take advantage of Drupal 8 native features for your multisteps forms

Building a multistep form has never been easier with Drupal, using the new features provided by Drupal 8.
Fostering a contribution culture against a backdrop of secrecy

What do you do when your company has invested 12 months of resources into a ground-breaking digital transformation, only to discover a huge issue that could compromise the viability of the entire project?
Front-end page composition with Geysir

One of the biggest complaints often heard among Drupal authors and editors, is the lack of an easy-to-use interface. In this session, we present the current state of Geysir, a contributed module we conceived with one single goal in mind: provide a great way for non-technical end-users to manage content in Drupal.
Full Stream ahead in 8 weeks and beyond

In this presentation we will showcase our approach on the digital transformation for the Oil & Gas Industry with the migration of GE Oil & Gas and Baker Hughes. Expect a combination of the business case, a customized agile approach and the technical solution as topics for this presentation.
Future of the open web and open source

As one of the biggest open source communities in the world, we have the opportunity and even some responsibility for the future of open source and the open web.
GDPR and Privacy Experience

Beyond GDPR, there is an opportunity to build a competitive advantage. There is PX, the Privacy Experience.
PX is about building trust by giving transparency and control to individuals over the processing of their personal data. By showing them, that they are using a service from the "Good Guys", who care about their personal data, who are responsible and very professional.
GitLab (Auto) Review Apps with Drupal

Automatic Drupal instances per Git branch under your control, on your own server or your Kubernetes cluster.
When working with a (remote) team and/or for your sprint review, it is essential that your colleagues, product owners or stakeholders can easily try out your software, that is, not only see, but also make use of what you have implemented. Preferably, this should be possible for each branch in your repository.
Governance Task Force: An Update on Current Progress

Governance is an important topic in open source communities. It’s crucial to achieve shared understanding, so that we have a not only technical governance but also a healthy, sustainable community for people to participate. But how do we manage to get such a governance framework?
Hackers automate but the Drupal Community still downloads updates on or: Why we need to talk about Auto Updates

This session will highlight these topics:
- The current state of the Drupal community and their common update processes from a security point of view
- What’s the Automatic Update Initiative discussion about?
- Auto Updates in Drupal - future case discussion
Handy modules when building and maintaining your site

We'll show a series of modules that could be really handy when building sites with Drupal and when you're maintaining them. Most of them are from a site building point of view. The "way of the clicker".
Herding cats – How to build and run a large distributed team of experts

The vast majority of organisations and companies today run in a model that’s designed for the Industrial Age. The world is seen as a complicated place, where a small team of expert leaders is required to make sense of it and provide instructions for the operational staff. This mode of operation is no longer applicable in the Internet Age we operate in. At best, the company fails to tap into the full potential of its employees.
How Drupal Can (and Is) Powering Open Data Efforts Worldwide

Drupal has emerged as a powerful platform to help governments successfully manage open data initiatives. DKAN is an open source Drupal distribution that allows users anywhere on Earth to build a community-based open data portal with a full suite of data cataloguing, publishing, and visualization features.
How Greenpeace built an engagement platform on Wordpress

It has been a year since the decision to go for a multi instance architecture Wordpress was made, and since then the technical track has focused on the much needed groundwork to enable such architecture and complete redesign of Greenpeace's global CMS.
How the biggest trade fair in sports became a leading digital publisher

We had 6 months to migrate a high traffic news portal from a Java based enterprise CMS to a new platform. ISPO wanted to turn from a trade fair to a leading digital publisher. We will show how it was done starting from the evaluation phase to the successful launch - our client will be there to share how they experienced the process and how Drupal improved their daily work compared to the previously used Java-based enterprise CMS.
How to boost your team members performance

Happy team members perform better. Many researches and my personal experience prove it.
How to build social knowledge distribution platforms - A case study with Open Social

Sharing knowledge and fostering innovation is an essential part of creating a sustainable and positive future. Technology has to play a crucial role in this.
Open source can help to create the infrastructure that is needed for global knowledge distribution.
How to COPE with External Entities

This session will show how to use the module External Entities to share content between Drupal 8 websites while maintaining a Single Point Of Truth.
How to grow up skills, by contribution to community

Drupal is not just CMS.
Come for the software, stay for the community
For me, the community is the best thing about Drupal.
With a community, we are not alone in a web world.
We have an international friend, mentors, colleagues for work.
We are visiting Drupal events and meet people there. We grow up and develop ourselves to be in community.
How to improve AND maintain Team Health AND Productivity when you are managing “multiple projects”
We only have 8 hours a day! I don’t believe this is true when you LOVE your WORK. And even if it were true, I would like to ensure my health and productivity are in perfect condition and efficiency is optimised with just 8 hours a day.
How UNICEF Built A Donation Platform Across 135 Currencies and 7 Languages

In our session, we’ll discuss how UNICEF partnered with Blue State Digital, Four Kitchens, and Motherlode Media to build a custom global payments platform. We’ll focus on how we addressed UNICEF’s need to set up global campaigns, localized to donors in different countries in a matter of minutes, while simultaneously supporting local UNICEF offices in their own fundraising needs.
How we built a government video platform using Vue.js in just 100 days

In this session we will start with an demonstration of how we implemented Vue.js on a Drupal 8 site for one of the biggest government agencies in Sweden. What hurdles did we encounter and was the effort worth it?
How you can handle updates easily with best practices and keep your Drupal site secure

In this workshop you will get to know how you can manage your Drupal updates easily and how to process updates correctly to ensure your website’s security. You will learn about the risks of a sloppy update routine and not taking care of updates at all. We present and analyze three variants together:
Human side of technological transition

How does your mindset affect your results and how to learn from inevitable failures?
ICOs, a revolutionary way to raise money for your company

Blockchain technology leads to a number of innovations. One of them is the Initial Coin Offering or ICO. Doing an ICO opens up tons of opportunity for your company. However there are some things to carefully consider. We will take a deep dive into ICOs and what it can mean for Drupal agencies to transform their business in a way that has never been possible before.
Implementing Drupal at Heidelberg University

In 2015 after a thorough evaluation of TYPO3 and Drupal Heidelberg University has opted for Drupal 8 as the new central CMS and Web-Application Framework. In this talk, i will report on the technical considerations, organizational decisions and available resources determining the project setup.
Improving the Editor Experience: Paragraphs FTW

Over the last two years, we've recently moved to organizations from Drupal 6 and Wordpress to Drupal 8. In this migration we were asked to make the editors life much easier and give them option to create diverse content layouts when adding content.
Integration of an editorial calendar with Drupal / Thunder
Drupal handles your content. Desk-Net manages your editorial department. Together they are a match made in heaven.
This session details how we have deeply integrated our editorial calendar software Desk-Net with Drupal. Plan stories in Desk-Net and move them over to Drupal. Or publish breaking news in Drupal and see how the story lists in Desk-Net are updated in near real-time.
Introducing the Gutenberg content editor for Drupal 8

Drupal needs a modern UI for rich content creation. This fall WordPress 5 is out with the brand new Gutenberg editor, a decoupled React based editing experience. It works great! And: It's open source, so we ported it to Drupal. Combining Drupal and Gutenberg is a killer combination, empowering content authors to build rich landing pages inside a rock solid CMS framework.
It takes a village to transform the digital platform of a large publishing conglomerate

We'll take you through the digital transformation journey of Crain Communications and its various publications. We'll show how a custom Drupal 8 distribution, deployed on a multi-site setup is helping brands like AdAge and Automotive News launch new products as well as redesign their existing digital platforms.
It’s All About the Experience: What I’ve Learnt from Talking to Thousands of People About Drupal
Use cases for Drupal are changing and so are criteria for selecting a web development platform. This is a challenge for the community as well as individuals and companies that use Drupal. We can learn a lot by looking at the Drupal experience from different perspectives and thinking about the personas of people who interact with Drupal.
JavaScript Modernisation Initiative

Back in 2007, the very first iPhone was released, skeuomorphic design golden era was starting, the last Harry Potter book was published, and Britney Spears had an extra tough year. Also, Drupal 5 shipped with the jQuery JavaScript library.
Landing pages and designing connected content

Drupal has for many years been one of the strongest options for designing structured content. This has been becoming Increasingly important with the growing demand for decoupled or headless systems that can support a variety of content consumers.
Launching a successful educational portal

Creating a good performing, multi target engaging portal seems like a daunting task, in this talk we will sketch some of the challenges you''ll encounter when creating an educational portal and how to overcome those challenges.
Learning to lead, after a life of flying solo

After twelve years of working for and by myself, I joined a full-time team and found myself on the path to leadership.
Lesser-known perks of using Composer

Composer isn’t just dependency building tool, it’s more than that. As we are planning to move Drupal 8 composer ready let’s explore some unknown usages of composer.
Composer can be used for variety of other purposes as well.
Lessons Learned from applying Drupal in Higher Education Projects

At the University of Hildesheim we have been using Drupal over the last four years in different project seminars.
Let's write secure Drupal code!
In my session I'll show the most common vulnerabilities that our Drupal code can have and how we should be prepared to avoid such an unsecure code to be released. The presentation covers trends in vulnerabilities, starting in general aspects then showing Drupal specific ones. I'll also speak about what we should do if we find any vulnerabilities in contributed solutions.
Linked Data & the Decentralised Web: Is this the Future?

This panel will focus on interlinking data, dynamic data flows, and the newest web technology to bring value to the enterprise. Drupal can play an integral part of this, being a robust content model with adequate access and revisions. Rocket.Chat adds a proven collaboration platform facilitating decentralized exchange of information, with optional federation across internal and external partners.
Making Mentoring Magic

This session will include discussion of what Core Mentoring and the Drupal Diversity and Inclusion Contrib team offer and what we've been up to recently, as well as how you can get started with contributing to Drupal core or organize a contribution event of your own.
Managing digital service data streams with Migrate API

Managing data streams from various master data sources as well as content flow outward from Drupal can be easily implemented using Drupal's Migrate API. We present some use cases based on business need and outline how to design the solution for your requirements.
Modern Workflows for the Modern Developer

The modern web is a thing of beauty, but it is a complex beauty. Modern workflows require package management, build steps, automatic testing via continuous integration, cloud hosting platforms, and production parity local development options. This session will break down the needs of the modern developer and talk about the tooling required to meet those needs and create web magic.
Modular software, modular infrastructure

In this session, we will take a look at a trend called Infrastructure as Code (IaC), we are gonna take programming principles and try to apply them to how we organize and create our infrastructure. Finally, we will introduce and elaborate on why it's important to share the knowledge about basic principles and best practices, that should be featured by every project utilizing Dockerized environment.
Modules proudly hosted elsewhere
While offers a great infrastructure to host modules sometimes you just want a little more. With the use of Travis CI it's easy to run all kinds of tasks to ensure you only release high quality code for the rest of the world to use. Allow pull requests for your module instead of working with patch files? Easy!
Multicurrency with Drupal 8 Commerce

Being a Central-European Drupal shop, multicurrency is an important feature that our customers are looking for. In this session, you can learn about possible approaches for multicurrency and about the solution we chose for our customer and its pros and cons.
Materials - looking back over the past two years

Mylife is the health portal of BurdaLife, the business division in the National media brand of Hubert Burda Media which has the most reach. Our project team took care of both the SEO concept as well as the conception and design development of the platform. We also carried out the technical implementation by using thunder.
Myths and Legends of Breaking the Monolith

Think about the following scenario: you have a giant Drupal 7 project with heaps of services and custom code, and things. It is a single point of failure and you want to replace it. Is Drupal 8 the logical option? Do you really want to switch from one to another monolith? There were others who had the same dilemma. Come to the session to find out what they did.

It's important to have a clear objective for any open source software. When it comes to open source software, projects can become bloated with features and improvements that doesn't agree with the projects initial objective.
Open Source E-commerce solutions : Stop to compare, start to analyze

Open-Source Ecommerce solutions are mostly compared based on how many sites uses them and how much plug and play modules are available.
In this session we will intend to build a big picture understandable by anyone by presenting these solutions from different perspectives: developer, advertiser and M2M.
Open Source Engagement to Empower Business

Keystones for successful open source projects include motivated contributors, a collective belief in the goals of the project, and a governance and support model that empowers contributors new and old. In this session we will explore the science of motivation and examples of systems that apply Open Source practices to effective business management. You will learn how to communicate more effectively with your teams and why a traditional
Open Source Marketing Automation

We all love implementing Drupal into our customer’s projects. This is especially exciting when we are able to introduce our powerful open source platform to those who previously were unaware of how superior open source can truly be.
Open source software at European Commission's IT department

This talk will present the use of open source software at the European Commission as well as dive into the EU-FOSSA initiative.
OpenSource meets Enterprise - how Drupal and SAP Hybris can team up

Drupal is highly suitable for enterprise needs. In this case study you will learn about how Drupal can work seamlessly with commercial enterprise systems. And how they team up to provide a mighty e-business and marketing platform for our client and its international team. And you can also learn about the human digital transformation.
Opensource your daily work

Last year we made a huge step and open-sourced all the code that runs our production environment for everyone to see and contribute. But tech, that’s not what I’ll mainly talk about (ok a bit because it’s to see how we run Docker in Production).
Out of the Box is Out of the Box!

To improve the first-impressions of Drupal, the Out of the Box (OOTB) team developed an installation profile called Umami. This is available behind a flag in Drupal Core 8.5 and will be fully available in 8.6. Here's what it is...
Paperless: The paper-to-digital transformation chronology

One of the YMCAs located in Minnesota with almost 30 locations has been suffering from paperwork for many years. Every day hundreds of visitors had to sign papers just to enter gym or swimming pool. Some of the papers have to be stored for 20 years. As a result tons of paper have been just occupying the place and time of the staff.

Don't miss it! 8:15 a.m. Wednesday (yes)! Get a good seat for Dries's keynote!
Preventing Burnout

All professionals deal with challenging, high-stress and/or high-pressure situations. Everyone has their limits, and too much stress or pressure can lead to “burnout,” a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. Burnout takes its toll not only on the individual but also co-workers, team, friends, and family. By working together, individuals and managers can avoid burnout.
Professional Drupal hosting and development with Kubernetes and Helm

Kubernetes and its wide ecosystem of supporting technologies is revolutionizing the hosting industry and making container-based infrastructures accessible to a much wider audience. However, while there are existing (sometimes even "official") solutions that offer Drupal setups out of the box, most are missing support for the standard development processes that are used by professional Drupal agencies.
Progressive Web Apps for all Drupal sites

Progressive Web Apps bring the experience of a native app to your website. Whether you have brochureware, a content-driven blog, or an actual web app, enhancing your site with a PWA is a win-win.
Public Code with Free Software: Modernising Digital Public Infrastructure

Software is deeply involved in all aspects of the 21st century. It is important that this technology empowers rather than restricts citizens and public bodies, and Free Software is the key to secure the necessary digital and analogue freedoms.
Radically Candid, the modern psychology that leads to effective leadership

Eye-openers of the modern psychology of transactional analysis, the drama triangle and the power and pitfalls of self-analysis that changed the leadership style of Michel van Velde effectively.
Responsible disclosure, cross-project collaboration, and Drupal 8 security

The Drupal project has been following a responsible disclosure model for more than 12 years. As Drupal has grown from a few thousand installs to more than 1 million, and as the number of contributed projects on has grown from tens to tens of thousands, the Drupal Security Team has continually evolved our processes to scale our security coverage.
REST Ready: Auditing established Drupal 8 websites for use as a content hub

For many organisations Drupal 8 websites evolve over time from a traditional coupled HTML front-end into much more. As the API first initiative is underway unlocking the potential of our content, existing Drupal 8 sites can be progressively decoupled or used as content hubs that power other digital experiences. What does this mean for established websites that are undergoing such transitions?
SAML And JWT For SSO As Part Of Enterprise Drupal Implementations

We wish to share with you our learnings over the last year, implementing varied SSO solutions for the enterprise using SAML/JWT. At the end of the session, you will be able to install and configure SAML/JWT with Drupal 8 and create your SSO network.
Sell it again: licenses and subscriptions on Drupal Commerce

Setting up Drupal Commerce to sell access to aspects of your site, such as roles or content, as either subscriptions or one-off purchases.
Should my website be a learning tool?

I suppose you have all been there: a brand new feature in your website!
You know from testing that users/editors/colleagues/subscribers ... need this functionality but somewhere along the line, a video, an FAQ, a manual, and a powerpoint are made, just to make sure that people can use it.
Site Building 2.0: How Layout Builder will change everything

Come get an all access preview of how your next generation Drupal sites are going to work with Layout Builder.
SIWECOS - CMS security sponsored by the German government

OpenSource CMS like Drupal, WordPress or Joomla are extremly popular targets for all sorts of attacks. Most of them are available 24/7 and hosted on powerful machines, making them very valuable tools for further attacks once compromised. In this session I want to tell you about SIWECOS, a project funded by the german ministry of economics, that wants to improve the security of CMS-based websites.
State of Drupal performance through the eyes of real-world users
The HTTP Archive and Chrome UX Report enable us to understand the state of the web in terms of performance, security, and accessibility. In this session we'll dig deep into the lab and field data to understand the performance of Drupal ecosystem and how it compares to the web as a whole.
Successfully Proving Enterprise Drupal 8 at Bayer
Learnings on how to successfully run an enterprise proof of concept of Drupal 8, and what factors make Drupal 8 a cut above the rest.
Symfony Framework style API building in Drupal
Want to see new ways to take full advantage of Drupal using Symfony Components? This is for you! As a non-Drupal developer who works with Symfony Framework for years I'm trying to bring communities together by showing Drupal developers the power of the Symfony components available in Drupal and to show Symfony Framework developers that Drupal can also do the things they are used to work with.
Testing small to medium size client projects with Behat

This presentation shows how you can use Behat, Drupal Extension, Selenium and Travis CI to provide cheap and effective testing for client project.
The Challenge of Emotional Labor in Open Source Communities

Emotional labor supports and enables the creation and maintenance of our products. It is a critical community resource, yet undervalued and often dismissed. In this session we'll take a look at a few reasons why and discuss how to recognize the value of emotional labor.
The digital revolution at Chatham House - from fight to full flight

Driving digital transformation and explaining its value within a traditional, inward-looking organisation presents an enormous challenge. A key part of this is to connect the value of digital to the overall strategy of the organisation, in order to leverage support for change.
The Drupal Association: What it is, isn’t, and could be.


The Drupal Association was born out of crisis.
It has grown to be an important supporting partner to the project but there are many misconceptions about what it is, what it does, and how it works.
This panel will describe the reality, bust the myths, and take your questions.
The first OpenSource Campus Management solution - OpenCampus, a community driven project for Higher Ed administration

Introducing OpenCampus, it's technical model, contributions from universities within the OpenCampus network and outlook.
The Future of Drupal Watchdog Magazine
Drupal Watchdog magazine is at a crossroads... Come to this session to find out the current status, what's coming up, and to give your input on the future of Drupal Watchdog!
The king is dead, long live the king - or how Hooks were superseded by object oriented alternatives in Commerce 2.x.

Commerce 2.x has almost completely ditched Hooks. They were replaced by Plugins, Services, Events. In this session, we will go through the Commerce API to answer, how can we implement the complex business logic and make your upcoming Commerce 2.x project a success story.
The Latest on AMP and Progressive Web Apps: What, Why and How

A jam-packed course on the current state of AMP and Progressive Web Apps and how these frameworks support rich, performant web experiences.
The OpenEuropa Initiative

During this session, we will present the OpenEuropa Initiative, the Open Source components that you can already use in your projects, and the (micro)Service Oriented Architecture and Technical Governance that drive the design and development of these components.
The road to a headless Drupal Commerce future

At Commerce Guys, we are working to make it easier to decouple Drupal Commerce to improve scalability and flexibility for agencies. We spent the earlier part of the year working on a Cart API for progressively decoupled cart experiences. The work wasn’t without its challenges. In this session, Drupal Commerce co-maintainer Matt Glaman will present the work done to develop this Cart API.
The secrets of high-performance Drupal teams

What are the secrets of “high-performing” development teams, what are the roadblocks to implementing them, and how can you take your development process from good to brilliant?
The Way We Work: Culture, Communication, and Containers

Is it possible to completely rethink the way we work? We would like to share how DRUD was founded on DevOps principles and how we continue to integrate our philosophy of work into our daily flow. In telling our story, we hope to inspire and help you support excellence in your team culture by building stability and quality into your daily workflow and agency philosophy.
There is a solution for everything, if you just understand the problem.

Design Thinking: a method to chase structural success in an era where healthcare (and other domains) have to deliver an excellent online experience to their customers.
There should be a better /admin/content! Improve your content management with Content Planner.

We think, there should be a better /admin/content. As Dries mentioned in the Viennas keynote: "People (editors) spend their whole day, working with Drupal". Todays out of the box content management experience for editors can be better. We show how you can make Drupal a content editors favourite tool! We propose a whole new way of thinking about /admin/content.
Towards a standard for User interface text

User interface texts are all those words that users see when they interact with a Drupal site and they are an important factor in the user experience. So it is time we got a UI text standard, that would make it easier to write good UI texts.
Traditional group photo
Help us capture the community spirit on the traditional attendee group photo before getting some coffee and snacks.
Understanding community values - how we turned our university challenge into success

The University of Edinburgh, like many other Higher Education institutes, has a very large web estate and very specific web needs.
Being locked into a vender solution for years gave the staff and students very little flexibility. To meet their ever growing needs, the university took the opportunity to look at the open source web platforms.
Upgrading vs. Upcycling - How to stay ahead of the curve
A full rebuild of a website can be a time and money consuming process. This session is about exploring different approaches between upgrading and upcycling existing websites.
Using game theory to close bigger (Drupal) sales

As Drupal is becoming more ambitious and is targeting enterprise website and organisations, agencies are facing the fierce competition of established proprietary software vendors, who have decades of selling experience behind them. In order to survive as a Drupal or any other FOSS company, it is crucial that you start to master the art of strategy.
Using React with Drupal. The Basics.

The frontend ecosystem and especially the React community is very large and confusing to new developers. This workshop aims to provide a gentle introduction to developers used to the traditional Drupal theming approach how they might use React in the wild today.
It will be a very practical step-by-step coding guide with explanations (where needed) how a simple decoupled client can be built from scratch.
Varnish workshop

In this action-packed Varnish workshop, the mission is to bridge the gap between code and infrastructure from a web performance point of view. Varnish will be the primary tool to perform HTTP-based caching that will make our sites, applications & webservices bulletproof.
Virtual Machine, Container or Serverless

One of the first challenges of moving your workloads to the Cloud is figuring out which three major flavors of computing technology to use: virtual machines, containers, or what is being called serverless. Each of these tools has its niche, its hype, and its downside.
Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS

How do you tell if a change you made to your website has unintended side effects? Security updates should rarely result in anything changing visually, but how can you be sure?
VUEJS and Drupal: How to build a decoupled SPA.

In this talk, the goal is to show an example of a Single Page Application made with VUEJS and Drupal.
We are all ambassadors of Drupal and we should follow a code...

I shall be looking at how we should all strive to be great ambassadors for the Drupal Project and how I think changes to our Values, Principles and Codes of Conduct can help us grow together.
What could you expect from Drupal core contributing
The goal of this session is to encourage everyone to start working on Drupal core. I want to point out why you should consider contributing to core in spite of the frustration you might experience and will give you some tips for getting started.
What is this estimation thing? Making sense of estimation strategies and understanding why "no estimation" is not as crazy as it sounds.

As important as estimation is to setting customer/stakeholder expectations and ultimately to paying the bills, there is surprisingly little discussion about what makes for a sound estimation strategy.
Why agencies and their clients should understand Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

The most important goal for any website is to create conversions: purchases in an online store, sign-ups for a newsletter and enrollments to events.
Learn the basics of Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) and make more deals as an agency or grow your business as a client.
Why DevOps, Containers, and Tooling Matter in Digital Transformation

We will show the direct connection between business strategy, digital strategy, and the increasingly complex technologies we use to deploy the web and the business value they can deliver to your company or organization.
Why I forked my own project and my own company

Frank Karlitschek founded the ownCloud open source project in 2010. 6 years later he founded Nextcloud, as the successor. This talks covers the reasons behind this move and gives interesting insights.
Why this Open Source warrior joined Microsoft - and what it's like working there

After 15 years working in Open Source, I signed with Microsoft... because Microsoft is the best place to do Open Source today. In this talk I share an analysis of the company and why it needs Open Source, my experience in a Microsoft world as "that guy who runs Linux", my job using developer clout to turn Microsoft's biggest customers into contributors, and an AMA about the whole thing.
Willy Wonka and the Secure Container Factory

Hold your breath, make a wish
Count to three
Come with me and you'll be
In a world of pure implementation
Take a look and you'll see into your pipeline
We'll begin with a spin
Securing containers of your creation
What we'll see will have lots of explanation
With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility

As developers, we are capable of many amazing feats. We can create experiences that touch the lives of millions, brings aid to the corners of the world, empowers new businesses and bring a voice to the voiceless. However with this capability, we must also take on the responsibility for the people, and data, we interact with.
YES, you can get the company you work for to contribute to Drupal

In order to spread the word that it is possible to get large enterprises to support Open Source software I will present a case study on how leadership within the company I work for was swayed to support the Drupal Association and get more involved in the Open Source communities in which they live and work.