Keynotes and speaker highlights
European Splash Awards

Drupal Europe's first session day starts with an awards ceremony! Pick up your badge early and come to enjoy the European Splash Awards.
Winners from local competitions can compete in this international contest. During the Splash Awards the best Drupal projects of the year are awarded.

During his keynote, dubbed the 'Driesnote', Belgium-born Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert shares the state of Drupal with the community as well as where we are headed.
Future of the open web and open source

As one of the biggest open source communities in the world, we have the opportunity and even some responsibility for the future of open source and the open web.
More speaker highlights

I'm passionate about technology and the future of the internet. I am focused on open source standards, a decentralized web, and how Web 3.0 actually works. I am the founder of Mautic, open source marketing automation, the CTO for Mautic, Inc and most recently I created and released a headless, serverless, open source CRM called Saelos.


Suzanne is a Drupal trainer and runs Evolving Web, a Drupal shop in Montreal. She's passionate about teaching Drupal and making it accessible to everyone.