Happy team members perform better. Many researches and my personal experience prove it.
The first step to helping team members achieve their personal goals while contributing to company's goals is implementation of a Personal Development Plan. This Plan shows a team member all the opportunities in a company and sets a clear but ambitious goal for a certain period of time. The process of achieving this goal in a transparent corporate culture is motivating, self-fulfilling, and rewarding. So, when the team member feels fulfilled and committed to the goal and the company, the performance increases drastically.
During this session we will go through all the stages of PDP plan development and implementation, talk about creating a culture of feedback within a company, and discover the simplest model of coaching conversation.
If you know your final goal, even if it is still very far from being achieved at the moment, your self-development process will go faster.
Help your team or your team members boost their growth! A personal development planning (PDP) implementation is one of the steps in this direction.
As a company grows, it becomes harder to communicate and listen to each employee. But knowing the moods and aspirations of your team members is crucial. It helps to create commitment, foster professional growth, and consequently push the company forward. Companies that deal with it and competently work with the employees job satisfaction win in the labor market.
The 700-person experiment conducted in Britain proved that happy employees are more productive by an average of 12%. Personal development plans and feedback surveys help employers provide their employees with appropriate tasks and create the positive working atmosphere which deliver happiness and satisfaction to the team. Which means that having PDP system results in a synergistic effect and benefits both the company and the employee.
And I’d like to share with you my experience and results of implementing PDP and encouraging the culture of feedback within our company. This is the session a step by step algorithm for creating and implementing the PDP in a small but growing company.
We will discuss:
- how to develop a system of personal development planning (goal setting, frequency, implementation);
- how to create a feedback form that your team member will fill out about each other;
- how to create a questionnaire about personal and career satisfaction, self-assessment, and future plans that team member will fill out about themselves;
- how to present the results and structure the follow-up talks;
- how to conduct a basic coaching conversation.
For whom this session is:
- CEOs or HR managers of growing companies;
- team leaders who want to provide their team members with the fastest personal and professional growth.