We want to look at existing third party solutions and how you can benefit from their seamless integration into Drupal media.
An overview of Digital Asset Management systems, embedding, Content Delivery Networks and external storage.
Drupal Media is powerful and can do almost anything. But this time we don't want to reinvent media management within Drupal.
We want to look at existing third party solutions and how you can benefit from their seamless integration into Drupal media.
Browse your Digital Asset Management (DAM) system
There are Integrations to a growing number of DAMs, including Bynder and Woodwing Elvis. Editors can browse their DAM through the Entity Browser the very same way like local Media assets. This type of connectivity allows Drupal to fetch meta and image data transparently and deliver files through the regular Drupal stack - like image styles.
Some of these systems offer automated image enhancements and AI based cropping.
Embed Media
Video provider(s) such as Youtube, Vimeo, or a huge amount of other platforms through oEmbed.
Content delivery networks (CDN)
CDNs can cache static media assets, and optimize speed of delivery through their globally distributed servers near to each end-user.
Some advanced CDNs like CloudFlare offer impage compression.
External storage
Uploading huge amounts of image files can easily result in driving costs. With solutions like Flysystem Drupal can transparently save files to external locations such as S3.
We will be able to show a demo of each of these integration types. The user mostly doesn't recognise these components.
MD Systems maintains numerous components of the Drupal Media base ecosystem and a growing number of third party integrations. The partnerships with the some of the vendors above is a key component to sustainably maintain the solutions and further contribute to Drupal Media ecosystem.