We'll show a series of modules that could be really handy when building sites with Drupal and when you're maintaining them. Most of them are from a site building point of view. The "way of the clicker".
Intro (5 min)
Site building vs back-end vs front-end. To code or not to code?
What do you need when you're building your new site?
What do you need when you're maintaining your site?
Quick note about environments.
Useful modules (30-35 min)
Helper modules
Environment indicator
Stage file proxy
Back up and migrate
settings.php (not a module but a very useful ally)
Site building modules
Paragraphs ( including Views / Blocks), bricks, field group
Panelizer / Pages
Theme specific
Quick overview of useful theming / testing tools, Gulp, SCSS, Link CSS & browser-sync.
Case specific
Multilingual (several modules)
Multi domain (several modules)
Commerce (several modules)
Conclusion (+5 min)
Wrap up