
During his keynote, dubbed the 'Driesnote', Belgium-born Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert shares the state of Drupal with the community as well as where we are headed.
The Drupal + Tech track is about technology-focused topics not related to a specific industry and concerning exciting new developments in Drupal core and contrib. This includes Drupal-specific topics, such as core conversations and Drupal backend and frontend development; but, even more importantly, it will showcase examples of integrating Drupal with cutting-edge technologies.
During his keynote, dubbed the 'Driesnote', Belgium-born Drupal founder, Dries Buytaert shares the state of Drupal with the community as well as where we are headed.
Meet the initiative leads (fago & dasjo) to discuss the status and next steps for porting the Rules module to Drupal 8.
Buzzword Bingo: Did you know that Solr provides artificial intelligence?
Really? Yes, Solr is more than a fulltext search server and I'll introduce some of its advanced features to you. And I'll share some ideas with you about how you can use them in Drupal to build some cool stuff.
Periodically, security releases are published to patch vulnerabilities and make our websites secure again, but do we know exactly how these vulnerabilities (and their exploits) work behind the scenes? How does the patch change our code, so the vulnerabilities are fixed and the risk mitigated?
Autosave ensures that content changes will not be lost if a sudden power outage or network disruption occurs. The concurrent editing feature provided by the conflict module allows for the simultaneous editing of the same content by multiple users by performing automatic merges whenever possible.
Console applications - whether part of a larger (Symfony-)application or standalone-tool - usually are the bash-script of PHP developers. Thereby one often leaves the path of clean code and hacks a very pragmatic solution. Despite the fact that a lot of these fast solutions remain in project and need to be maintained for longer.
As an Open Source community, we have a Blockchain panel for the Open Free Web.
Blockchain technology is predicted to change the web as we know it. Our panelists are working on our future, applying blockchain technology within the realm of an open web by building fair publishing environments and enhancing open source communities.
Bringing the Search API module to drupal core, is it a good idea or not? Help us decide what we should do.
This presentation looks at how you can build a web application that sources content from Drupal, renders ultra-fast static pages with Gatsby, then combines that with traditional React for optionally adding user authentication and personalization.
Come to discuss configuration management with the CMI 2.0 team!
Bring your sorrows and your big ideas for configuration management.
Configuration Management Initiative 2.0 roadmap and updates with practical examples of how to solve (some of) these challenges with contrib today.
Prettier is a great ally for the developer. It makes your code formatting uniform and consistent.
While ESlint detects and enforces certain rules, educating the developer about what's wrong with their code, Prettier takes a different approach, by parsing all your code and formatting it with its own opinionated style, so you don't need to worry about it anymore.
Remember when Drupal 8 was brand new and full of new features?
Are you still excited about Drupal 8? Drupal 8 has added many great features since 8.0.0 and many more features are coming soon(ish). If you haven't started with Drupal 8 or haven't kept up with new features that are being develped for Drupal core, this session is for you.
This workshop will demonstrate the value of integrating Pattern Lab into a Drupal theme, and will give practical experience configuring Pattern Lab into your theme architecture, building components in Pattern Lab, mapping Drupal templates to our Pattern Lab templates, and mapping Pattern Lab patterns to Drupal layouts, field groups, or views.
Is it possible to find navigation elements that result in the best visitor experience? The answer is likely yes, and this question can be reformulated as one of the classic machine learning tasks.
Let's talk what are other classic machine learning tasks, and if and how they can be applied to content management
Why would you want a chatbot, why wouldn't you? How does that even work? Male, Female? How to add in your api? How to organise all that architecturally?
Find some of your answers here.
This talk is for you if you don't know how to start developing a chatbot. Both from a development or a management point of view.
Not much Drupal, Very much chatbot. Most examples from dialogflow, few from watson.
As Drupal advances assuredly toward an API-first future with each passing day, it's high time we consider and critique the possibilities that lie before our community. How does Drupal's mission evolve? How will future users interact with Drupal?
If we want decoupled Drupal, we need to decouple Drupal first. Reap the benefits of a cleanly separated workflow without worrying about the risks.
Based on earlier event attendee feedback, the Dries Q&A, traditionally done as part of the “Driesnote” was far too short and not enough questions could be asked. This is especially true with Drupal Europe's shorter session formats.
The Dries Q&A being in its own session time will allow time for more questions and for them to be more in-depth. Dries will also have more time to explain his answers!
Elm is a language that compiles to JS, and has no run time exceptions. It's like Vue, React or Angular2, only completely different.
Drupal 8 is taking momentum as strong tool for Web Editors, Developers and Architects providing Good support for Web Services, Security to implement different Integration Channel like Voice First, Web VR, Augmented Reality, IoT etc. Drupal 8 able to achieve it with solid foundation of REST in Core and supported community modules.
Drupal Ethereum is a module that integrates Drupal with the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum can help Drupal applications leverage blockchain ledgers, digital signatures, payments, tokens, and a future internet of value and trust.
We will learn about the different use cases of distributions, ranging from quick start tools and starting points for developers and site builders up to full-featured distributions.
Following up my session on the Drupal Ethereum Module I's be happy to discuss use cases and answer any questions you might have about the module, semi decentralized applications or the Ethereum Blockchain.
A live demo of the GDPR module and how it can be used by site builders, developers and Data Protection Officers to achieve GDPR compatibility. We will be focusing on the GDPR consent tools and the GDPR field settings that enable a site owner to easily response to subject access requests and requests for erasure.
Help us design a better UX for content editors! Get involved with the ongoing UX study, give your inpu on the wireframes and help us develop our user testing plan. Content editors, marketing folks, designers, and anyone else welcome!
Experience how to leverage Elasticsearch for making Drupal sites and application more powerful than ever, and how to easily start to integrate it as development team.
With Drupal 8, we received more powerful control over who can do what to a specific entity. The only downside is that this whole system does not apply at all to entity lists. The only exception being nodes (content), which still use the rather complex yet limited grants system. It's time we fix that and come up with a solution that works for all entities, all operations and still has decent performance.
Building a multistep form has never been easier with Drupal, using the new features provided by Drupal 8.
A BoF to discuss the various tool that exist for generating Drupal code automatically.
Following the session Introducing Gutenberg Content Editor for Drupal 8, we want community input from devs, designers, site owners and others. Let's make this thing big!
This session will highlight these topics:
In this session we will start with an demonstration of how we implemented Vue.js on a Drupal 8 site for one of the biggest government agencies in Sweden. What hurdles did we encounter and was the effort worth it?
In this workshop you will get to know how you can manage your Drupal updates easily and how to process updates correctly to ensure your website’s security. You will learn about the risks of a sloppy update routine and not taking care of updates at all. We present and analyze three variants together:
I love diagrams for designing, redesigning and documenting Drupal sites and training end users. Mostly I think about entity relationship -style diagrams and diagrams for workflows. What do you use diagrams for in Drupal? When not to use diagrams? What is the best software to draw Drupal-diagrams with? Can you automate it?
During this BoF, we will demo how OpenStory, an OpenSource Angular App can improve your Drupal authoring experience.
Drupal needs a modern UI for rich content creation. This fall WordPress 5 is out with the brand new Gutenberg editor, a decoupled React based editing experience. It works great! And: It's open source, so we ported it to Drupal. Combining Drupal and Gutenberg is a killer combination, empowering content authors to build rich landing pages inside a rock solid CMS framework.
Back in 2007, the very first iPhone was released, skeuomorphic design golden era was starting, the last Harry Potter book was published, and Britney Spears had an extra tough year. Also, Drupal 5 shipped with the jQuery JavaScript library.
Are you doing Drupal with millions of entities? Huge traffic? Dramatically more entity operations than normal?
Let's talk about the different problems we face when doing Drupal in a scale that not everyone does, and a scale some parts of Drupal was not meant to handle. What are our solutions to these problems? How can we make Drupal handle this better out of the box?
The Layout Builder in Drupal 8 is currently a Beta experimental module but should be stable in the next year. It has the potential to greatly improve Drupal site building.
Have you started to use the Layout Builder? How has your experience been?
This will be a chance for people testing and using the Layout Builder to get together with those developing it. Let's get together and talk about the potential and problems of the Layout Builder.
Composer isn’t just dependency building tool, it’s more than that. As we are planning to move Drupal 8 composer ready let’s explore some unknown usages of composer.
Composer can be used for variety of other purposes as well.
In my session I'll show the most common vulnerabilities that our Drupal code can have and how we should be prepared to avoid such an unsecure code to be released. The presentation covers trends in vulnerabilities, starting in general aspects then showing Drupal specific ones. I'll also speak about what we should do if we find any vulnerabilities in contributed solutions.
This panel will focus on interlinking data, dynamic data flows, and the newest web technology to bring value to the enterprise. Drupal can play an integral part of this, being a robust content model with adequate access and revisions. Rocket.Chat adds a proven collaboration platform facilitating decentralized exchange of information, with optional federation across internal and external partners.
Everyone is talking about component-based theming, but many are not doing it. In this talk, I'll show you the website I am currently working on, describe my approach to PatternLab with it, and detail how it all fits together with Drupal.
A general discussion on native Drupal CRM and how it compares to integrating with other CRM system, with particular focus on the Contacts module in Drupal 8
To improve the first-impressions of Drupal, the Out of the Box (OOTB) team developed an installation profile called Umami. This is available behind a flag in Drupal Core 8.5 and will be fully available in 8.6. Here's what it is...
Progressive Web Apps bring the experience of a native app to your website. Whether you have brochureware, a content-driven blog, or an actual web app, enhancing your site with a PWA is a win-win.
The Drupal project has been following a responsible disclosure model for more than 12 years. As Drupal has grown from a few thousand installs to more than 1 million, and as the number of contributed projects on Drupal.org has grown from tens to tens of thousands, the Drupal Security Team has continually evolved our processes to scale our security coverage.
For many organisations Drupal 8 websites evolve over time from a traditional coupled HTML front-end into much more. As the API first initiative is underway unlocking the potential of our content, existing Drupal 8 sites can be progressively decoupled or used as content hubs that power other digital experiences. What does this mean for established websites that are undergoing such transitions?
We wish to share with you our learnings over the last year, implementing varied SSO solutions for the enterprise using SAML/JWT. At the end of the session, you will be able to install and configure SAML/JWT with Drupal 8 and create your SSO network.
Come get an all access preview of how your next generation Drupal sites are going to work with Layout Builder.
The HTTP Archive and Chrome UX Report enable us to understand the state of the web in terms of performance, security, and accessibility. In this session we'll dig deep into the lab and field data to understand the performance of Drupal ecosystem and how it compares to the web as a whole.
Want to see new ways to take full advantage of Drupal using Symfony Components? This is for you! As a non-Drupal developer who works with Symfony Framework for years I'm trying to bring communities together by showing Drupal developers the power of the Symfony components available in Drupal and to show Symfony Framework developers that Drupal can also do the things they are used to work with.
This presentation shows how you can use Behat, Drupal Extension, Selenium and Travis CI to provide cheap and effective testing for client project.
User interface texts are all those words that users see when they interact with a Drupal site and they are an important factor in the user experience. So it is time we got a UI text standard, that would make it easier to write good UI texts.
The frontend ecosystem and especially the React community is very large and confusing to new developers. This workshop aims to provide a gentle introduction to developers used to the traditional Drupal theming approach how they might use React in the wild today.
It will be a very practical step-by-step coding guide with explanations (where needed) how a simple decoupled client can be built from scratch.
How do you tell if a change you made to your website has unintended side effects? Security updates should rarely result in anything changing visually, but how can you be sure?
In this talk, the goal is to show an example of a Single Page Application made with VUEJS and Drupal.
The Umami demo profile from the Out of the Box initiative is available in Drupal 8.6.0! However there, is much to do, including deciding going forward what there is to do. Come and join the initiative leads as we discuss